North Carolina

Unemployment rates improve in Mecklenburg County in North Carolina

Unemployment ratesimprove in Mecklenburg County in North Carolina. Mecklenburg County's unemployment rate has improved for the month of August 2011. Theunemploymentrate for August is 11 % where July was 11.1 %.Here are some of the surrounding counties unemployment rates, the first rate is for August, followed by July: AlexanderCounty: 11.2 percent, down from 11.3 percent. AnsonCounty: 12.5 percent, unchanged. CabarrusCounty: 10.3 percent, down from 10.4 [...]

By |2022-12-29T18:42:59+00:00September 24th, 2011|Charlotte NC and Surrounding Neighborhoods|0 Comments

Moving to Huntersville NC? Youre Not Alone!

If youre searching for homes in Huntersville NC, youll find that the area is simply exploding with fun things to do in Huntersville, as well as in population. Many relocation employees are moving to Huntersville NC because of its explosive growth and job opportunities. Huntersville NC is the fastest growing town in the state and the 19th largest municipality in North Carolina, according to Census [...]

By |2022-12-29T18:43:26+00:00June 7th, 2011|Huntersville, Lake Norman Living|1 Comment
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